Handover of Vatsalya House to Beneficiary Smt. Jarina Khanum

The Regional Director of Bangalore Sri. Sheenappa M, member of Janajagruthi Vedike Sri. Pandurangayya and Director Sri. Sathish Suvarna handed over the Vatsalya house constructed under Vatsalya programme to the beneficiary Smt. Jarina Khanum at Roshan Nagar, Tumkur Taluk.

The beneficiary once lived in a house made of coconut leaf. She did not even have most basic facility. She can’t even speak Kannada language. SKDRDP Officials identified her situation, visited Panchayat for the documentation and constructed the house.

Smt. Jarina Khanum heartfully thanked SKDRDP Officials for helping her.

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