Taluk Level Women’s Conference at Malebennur Taluk

The Vice President of Veerabhadreshwara Trust Sri. B Nagendrappa inaugurated the Taluk Level Women’s Conference organized at Malebennur Taluk and said, SKDRDP is working hard to create better society through various sociable programmes. The Senior Lawyer of Davanagere Smt. Anitha advised women to participate in the women empowerment programme conducting under Jnanavikasa programme. Sr. Laxmidevi gave information about the nutrition foods and importance of health. Sri. Srinivasa, ASI, advised parents to teach their children about good and bad touch. Games were organized and prizes were distributed to the winners. The members of Gram Panchayat, Project Officer, members of Janajagruthi Vedike, Jnanavikasa Coordinators, Supervisors, Sevaprathinidhis and SHG members participated in the programme.

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