A free health check-up camp organized at Mailaralingeshwara Jnanavikasa Center, Shahapura Taluk. SKDRDP is doing many social works which even the Government cannot do. Poojya Heggadeji has created self-help groups in every corner of Karnataka to help rural people socially and financially said, President of Gram Panchayat Sri. Girish Sidra. The Project Officer Sri. Kallappa Yavagal gave information about the Jnanavikasa and SKDRDP programmes. Dr. Sathish gave information about the nutrition food, Yoga and importance of using millets. Total 95 people were tested for BP, sugar and eye in the camp. The members of Gram Panchayat, Village Heads, Jnanavikasa Coordinators, Supervisors and Sevaprathinidhis were present in the camp.
Free Health Check-up Camp at Shahapura Taluk