Smt. Bhagyamma is a resident of Kodagenahalli, Madhugiri Taluk of Tumkur-2 District is a member of Bhavani self-help group. She lives with her husband and they have a son who is now studying in 4th standard. She started a small shop to lead financial problems. Due to lack of fund, she led her life by selling only limited products.
Later, she joined to SHG and borrowed loan of Rs. 10,000 and used it for maintain her shop. She bought a cow by the income she earned from the shop and she is earning Rs. 1,000 per day by selling milk to dairy. She borrowed another loan of Rs. 50,000/- and started vegetable, chilly and sericulture. Further, she borrowed a loan of Rs. 1,50,000/- and along with her shop she started hotel business. From this business she is earning profit of Rs. 15,000/- to Rs. 20,000/- per month.
With an intention to earn more income in agriculture, she started growing Vilas Mirchi crop and started selling it to Vishal Mart Company located in Koratagere Taluk. This mirchi is used for pickle and exported to different countries. She is earning good income from it as it has more demand in the market. Further she borrowed loan of Rs. 2,50,000 to install borewell in their land which helped them to grow good yield.
Smt. Bhagyamma and her husband are successful in managing the family due to their interest in earning income from different sources. She is an example for how there are many ways to earn if we have an interest in improving ourselves.