An example of Success

Hemalatha and her sister Mala are one of the greatest examples of living self-reliant life. The real disabilities are in the person who desires to do something and doesn’t want to work hard for it. They belong to the joint family consisting of 13 members, in which 3 of them are specially-abled by birth. Their father’s encouragement made them study till 7th standard.

Hemalatha is the member of Mailaralingeshwara SHG of Chittanahalli village, Davangere district. She   participated in the beautician training at RUDSETI.  They are doing works like shawl knitting, decoration items, etc.   One of her family member who is the SHG member went for study tour and came to know about self-employment programmes of SKDRDP.  After that by borrowing loan of Rs. 6,40,000/- they purchased solar roti maker machine.

At first, they were making 100 roti per day and currently they are making an average of 300 roti per day and also chapati on demand. They are earning income of Rs. 1000 per day excluding all the expenses. Now people are coming from different places to see their success and getting motivation for self-employment. They are active members of Belaku Jnanavikasa center from the past 1.5 years and become popular from their cultural activities. So far, they have repaid the total loan amount of Rs. 7,24,000 /-. They desire to buy a roti machine which can produce 500 roti per hour and also want to start their own flour mill in the upcoming days.

They say that, SKDRDP has helped many people which society couldn’t identify. They proudly say that, encouraging people like us is a great quality of Poojya Heggadeji and Matrushree Hemavathi V. Heggade.

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