Release of CRE Annual Report 2023-24

Rev. Shri. D. Veerendra Heggade, President of SKDRDP and Matrushree Hemavathi V. Heggade, President of Jnanavikasa, released the annual report 2023-24 of CRE Center, Laila. They reviewed the report, appreciated the CRE team and gave guidance for the upcoming training programmes.

In the year 2023-24, the CRE center has trained total 5,052 people. The skill development and capacity building trainings, tailoring, designing, embroidery, bag making etc training programmes were organized. The training was also given on Governments new scheme “Kusinamane” to which the CEO of Zilla Panchayat Dr. Anand and CEO of Taluk Panchayat Sri. Kusumadhar visited and appreciated the training programmes of CRE. The CRE Center aims to organize more training programmes in the current year.

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