Nammuru Namma Kere Programme – Rejuvenation of 800th Lake

The President of SKDRDP Rev. Shri. D. Veerendra Heggade inaugurated the conversation programme organized for the members of Nammuru Namma Kere Lake Committee at SKDRDP Head Office Dharmasthala. He then handed over the 800th rejuvenated Chowdanahalli lake of Kushavara village, Belur Taluk under Nammuru Namma Kere programme to the Ex-MLA Sri. Lingesh and said All must participate in the water and environment protection programmes. Saplings has to be planted around the rejuvenated lake. He stated that SKDRDP will restore 200 more tanks by April 2025.

Matrushree Hemavathi V. Heggade, President of Jnanavikasa Programme, said that water bodies are the Kalpavruksha of respective villages which benefits all the living things. The Lake Committee must protect the lakes as Kshethrapala protects Temple.

Shivananda Kalave, Environmental Journalist said that in the beginning SKDRDP desired to renovate Temple and improve rural areas. Now it also rejuvenating lakes to help people, agriculture and animals. The member of Kittur Lake Committee Sri. Mallikarjun shared his opinion in the programme. The Executive Director of SKDRDP Sri. Anil Kumar S S, Regional Director of Community Development programme Sri. Anand Suvarna and other officials were present in the programme.

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